Trinkwasser 'Boxed Water Is Better'. 76% dieser Verpackung besteht aus erneuerbaren Ressourcen. Die recyclebare Verpackung wird gefaltet zum Abfüller geschickt was wiederum effizienter und umweltschonender ist, als leere Plastik- oder Glasflaschen durch die Gegend zu schicken. Die gefalteten Kartons finden auf 2 Paletten Platz die lediglich 5% einer LKW-Ladung entsprechen - Der Flaschen-Transport würde 5 LKW-Ladungen benötigen.
20% des Erlöses wird in die Ressourcen Wälder und Wasser investiert.
Water 'Boxed Water Is Better'. About 76% of the Boxed Water container is made from a renewable resource, trees, that when harvested in a responsible, managed, and ethical way serve as an amazing renewable resource that benefits the environment even as it's renewed. The boxes are shipped flat to the filler which is significantly more efficient compared to shipping empty plastic or glass bottles to be filled. The flat, unfilled boxes we can fit on 2 pallets, or roughly 5% of a truckload, would require about 5 truckloads for empty plastic or glass bottles. The cartons can also be broken down to their original flat state, and are recyclable in some areas. 'Boxed Water Is Better" is also giving 20% of their profits back to the resources our product is composed of - water and trees.
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