Superfoods von Feinstoff. Ayurvedisch. Vegan. Biologisch.
Ich habe in den letzten Wochen 3 Superfoods in meinen Alltag integriert: Spirulina, Green Smoothie (ein Mix aus Tulsi, Weizengras und Gerstengras) & Maca.
Green Smoothie habe ich in meine morgendliche Smoothie-Routine integriert (200 ml frisch gepresster Orangensaft, 1 Banane, eine Handvoll Himbeeren, ein Schuss Leinöl und 1 EL Green Smoothie). Der Geschmack: man schmeckt in dieser Kombination eine leichte Note "Gras" (zumindest stelle ich mir vor, dass Gras so schmeckt) die aber nicht zu stark und schon gar nicht aufdringlich ist. Ich finde, es schmeckt frisch und gibt meinem Morgen-Smoothie einen besonderen Kick. Seit ich Green Smoothie täglich integriere habe ich definitiv weniger Heißhunger-Attacken und halte mein Gewicht somit ganz einfach. Ich liebe es! Auch eine positive Wirkung auf die Verdauung kann ich feststellen. Und: Mein Hautbild hat sich verfeinert. Dieses Produkt verdient den Namen Superfood wirklich! Was es ausserdem noch anstellt (und man nicht unbedingt spürt) ist: Der Säure-Basen-Haushalt wird reguliert, die Immunkraft wird gestärkt & Pilze und Bakterien werden beseitigt.
Für Maca 6:1 hab ich ein bisschen herumprobieren müssen, bis ich etwas gefunden habe das damit gut harmoniert. Ich trinke fast jeden Abend einen Eiweißshake (Schoko) mit Reismilch. Dazu passt Maca hervorragend! Was dieses Superfood kann? Das hier: Stärkt Ausdauer und Vitalität. Erhöht die Libido. Steigert die Leistungsfähigkeit im täglichen Leben. Regt die Durchblutung im Bereich des Beckens an. Hilft bei Vergesslichkeit sowie Depressionen. Befreit von Angst und Beklommenheit. Fördert und kräftigt den natürlichen Aufbau der Muskeln.
Warum ich es ausprobiert habe? Leider kenne ich Angst und Depression. Hin und wieder gibt es Zeiten in meinem Leben wo mich diese beiden Dinge ein ganz schön in die Knie zwingen. Alles was dazu beiträgt diese Gefühlszustände zu verhindern probiere ich nur zu gerne aus! Deshalb ist auch dieses Superfood fast täglicher Bestandteil in meiner Ernährung.
Spirulina ist - wenn man so will - die Mutter aller Superfoods. Es befreit den Körper von Schlacken (Toxinen, Schwermetallen), wirkt Blutreinigend, fängt freie Radikale, verbessert die Sehkraft (Grüner und Grauer Star), verzögert den Alterungsprozess, senkt den Cholesterinspiegel und Blutzucker, fördert die Absorption von Mineralstoffen, enthält bis zu 70% an natürlichem Protein, stärkt die Haut, schützt das Immunsystem und bringt Energie und gute Stimmung.
Spirulina wird eher für ihre gesundheitsfördernde Wirkung als für ihren Geschmack geschätzt. Ich esse für mein Leben gerne Curry. Da passt es meiner Meinung nach ideal dazu. Man kann das Pulver aber auch in Smoothies oder Fruchtsäfte mischen.
Superfoods by Feinstoff. Ayurvedic. Vegan. Organic.
In the past 3 weeks I've tested 3 superfoods which I integrated in my daily eating routine: Spirulina, Green Smoothie (a mix of tulsi, wheat grass and barley grass) & Maca.
I enriched my daily morning smoothie with Green Smoothie (200 ml fresh squeezed orange juice, 1 banana, a hand full of raspberries, a dash of linseed oil and 1 TS Green Smoothie). The taste: you can sense the taste of a light "grass" note in this combination (at least I assume that grass tastes like this) which isn't too intense at all. In my opinion it tastes fresh and gives my smoothie this little extra kick. Since I integrate this powder in my daily eating routine I notice that I have far less munchies and I keep my weight. I love it! Also my digestion is much better. Last but not least I noticed that my complexion is subtler. This product really earns the term "superfood"! But there is more this miracle can do to your body (which you probably not really feel): it regulates your acid alkaline balance, it strengthens your immune system & it eliminates germs and fungal infections.
Maca 6:1 and I didn't became friends from the very beginning on. It took a while until I found a meal which harmonizes with it. Almost every evening I drink a protein shake (chocolate) with rice milk. It is delicious with maca! What this superfood can do? It strengthens your endurance and vitality. It increases your libido. It enhances your performance in your daily life. It stimulates the blood circulation in your pelvis area. It helps with forgetfulness and depression. It frees your from anxiety and trepidation. It enhances and strengthens the natural muscle development.
Why I tried it? Unfortunately anxiety and depression isn't something new to me. There are times in my life when those feelings force me to my knees. I'm happy to try everything which can prevent me from those feelings. This is the reason why this superfood is now a component of my daily eating routine.
I enriched my daily morning smoothie with Green Smoothie (200 ml fresh squeezed orange juice, 1 banana, a hand full of raspberries, a dash of linseed oil and 1 TS Green Smoothie). The taste: you can sense the taste of a light "grass" note in this combination (at least I assume that grass tastes like this) which isn't too intense at all. In my opinion it tastes fresh and gives my smoothie this little extra kick. Since I integrate this powder in my daily eating routine I notice that I have far less munchies and I keep my weight. I love it! Also my digestion is much better. Last but not least I noticed that my complexion is subtler. This product really earns the term "superfood"! But there is more this miracle can do to your body (which you probably not really feel): it regulates your acid alkaline balance, it strengthens your immune system & it eliminates germs and fungal infections.
Maca 6:1 and I didn't became friends from the very beginning on. It took a while until I found a meal which harmonizes with it. Almost every evening I drink a protein shake (chocolate) with rice milk. It is delicious with maca! What this superfood can do? It strengthens your endurance and vitality. It increases your libido. It enhances your performance in your daily life. It stimulates the blood circulation in your pelvis area. It helps with forgetfulness and depression. It frees your from anxiety and trepidation. It enhances and strengthens the natural muscle development.
Why I tried it? Unfortunately anxiety and depression isn't something new to me. There are times in my life when those feelings force me to my knees. I'm happy to try everything which can prevent me from those feelings. This is the reason why this superfood is now a component of my daily eating routine.
Spirulina is the mother of all superfoods. It frees the body from scum (toxines, heavy metals), is blood-purifying, catches free radicals, enhances the eyesight, delays the aging process, lowers the cholesterol level and blood sugar, enhances the absorption of minerals, contains up to 70% of natural protein, strengthens the skin, protects the immune system and gives energy and a good mood.
Spirulina is rather famous for its health enhancing impact than its taste. I love curries. And for me spriulina is ideal to mix a little bit of it in each serving. But you can also mix it in your smoothie or juice.
Spirulina is rather famous for its health enhancing impact than its taste. I love curries. And for me spriulina is ideal to mix a little bit of it in each serving. But you can also mix it in your smoothie or juice.
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