Asien und Ozeanien haben so viel zu bieten, dass man mehrere Jahre bräuchte, um alles zu sehen. Hat man aber den richtigen Reiseführer zur Hand, kann man auch an einem einzigen Wochenende erstaunlich viel erleben.
Sorgfältig recherchiert und von leichter Hand geschrieben, bietet diese aktualisierte, erweiterte Sammlung der beliebten „36 Hours“-Reisekolumnen aus der New York Times 60 raffiniert ausgetüftelte Reisepläne für unvergessliche Kurztrips. Hunderte von Farbfotos befeuern Ihre Reiselust. Von bekannten Highlights (Wolkenkratzer in Hongkong, Strände in Phuket, Sushi in Tokiooder Surfen in Sydney) bis hin zu überraschenden Geheimtipps (ein laotischer Arc de Triomphe mit Blick auf Vientiane, ein Mangrovensumpf in Brisbane, die mystische Schönheit des Flusses Li in Guilin oder disneyartige Wellnessoasen inSeoul), von glitzernden Metropolen über antike Tempel und pulsierende Straßen bis hin zu undurchdringlichen Urwäldern – in diesem ansprechend gestalteten und illustrierten Buch ist einfach alles drin.
'The New York Times. 36 Hours. Asia & Oceania' published by Taschen. Language: English. 300 pages.
Asia and Oceania offer such a wealth of experiences that a lifetime seems too short to appreciate them. But with the right guidance, you can go far in a single weekend. Stylishly written and carefully researched, this updated and expanded collection of the popular New York Times 36 Hours feature offers you 60 well-crafted itineraries for quick but memorable trips, accompanied by hundreds of color photographs to fire your imagination. From the expected (skyscrapers in Hong Kong, beaches in Phuket, sushi in Japan, or surfing in Sydney) to the unexpected (views of Vientiane from a Laotian-style Arc de Triomphe, a mangrove swamp in Brisbane, the mythic beauty of the Li River in Guilin, or amusement park–like public baths in Seoul)—from gleaming metropolises and ancient temples to bustling streetscapes and dense jungles—it’s all covered in this handsomely designed and illustrated book.
Asia and Oceania offer such a wealth of experiences that a lifetime seems too short to appreciate them. But with the right guidance, you can go far in a single weekend. Stylishly written and carefully researched, this updated and expanded collection of the popular New York Times 36 Hours feature offers you 60 well-crafted itineraries for quick but memorable trips, accompanied by hundreds of color photographs to fire your imagination. From the expected (skyscrapers in Hong Kong, beaches in Phuket, sushi in Japan, or surfing in Sydney) to the unexpected (views of Vientiane from a Laotian-style Arc de Triomphe, a mangrove swamp in Brisbane, the mythic beauty of the Li River in Guilin, or amusement park–like public baths in Seoul)—from gleaming metropolises and ancient temples to bustling streetscapes and dense jungles—it’s all covered in this handsomely designed and illustrated book.
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